Green beyond trees representing perpetual hope

Nature’s Perpetuity

Daytime air was chilly and winds were strong during a recent visit to the Texas Hill Country. Damp coldness drifted through tunnels in my loosely woven partly wool sweater and awakened vulnerable flesh beneath as I walked through an iconic old town. Warmth lifted from within, created by a body in motion, echoing nature’s perpetual ability to adapt.

Outdoor trekking through sloping mixed terrain, peaceful February called out. Shades of brown and grey mirrored old growth alongside new at Cypress Creek crossing. I stopped for a minute to embrace the beauty of the moment. Vision made its way beyond the sleeping forest to rest actively on a neon green exuberance highlighting perpetual hope– a photo-synthesis of life unthreatened and palpable.

Loose weave sweater made from fibers the color of the earth.
Cool air reaches through channels in loose weave.

Life is like that– unthreatened and palpable when hope is alive. Humans thrive when working towards fulfilling a purpose or a goal or even a dream. When the senses are heightened, when they are truly challenged, is when great growth takes place. Homeostasis is a mechanism for balance and adjustment. It is not, though, where strength is built.

During places of discomfort, of struggle to carry a load, is where the ability is nurtured and developed to resist hinderances that show up daily. A joyous journey takes shape as difficulty is embraced and becomes the warrant for change that leads to connecting with never-ceasing energy, life and love.

Detailed life-like mural representing local flora and fauna playfully invites an active deeper look into nature.

Heavy bursts of rain fell at night during this short Texas trip. There’s something about the sound of rain hitting a tin roof that brings comfort and a sense of belonging in a sheltered space. Outside the quaint but modern single-story hotel room window, dancing raindrops created fountains of light after falling into the crystal clear blue swimming pool water. Synchronized ripples traveled to the edges while a light projector moved delicate pink snowflakes on a white stuccoed wall outside the pool.

Perpetuity of nature was every where during walks outside regardless of the temperature or wind. It resonated well, strengthening hope and confirming purpose. I returned home a little stronger minded and able bodied.


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